Monday, 4 April 2011

Evaluation Activity 5

I have produced a short video clip explaining how i addressed and attracted my audience: 

I didn't use any music in my two minute title sequence but i did use police siren sounds during Jayde's flashback when running from the police with his brother. This sound effect helped establish the genre of the film which was crime/gang. Overall I believe this is a strong selling point as the sounds in a trailer usually set the genre of the film and help attract the right fans for the specific genre film.

In my two minute title sequence, Jayde and Thomas spoke using informal slang. This type of language is very common in teenagers today in the United Kingdom. The type of language you use in a trailer will determine who your audience are. For example slang will attract a young audience as the audience will be able to relate more to the characters as they speak the same.

The two main characters in my two minute title sequence are aged between 17-18 which should lead to the attraction of the audience being around the same age as the audience will able to relate to the characters more as they will feel on the same level in life.

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